Tuesday 20 September 2016

Opening scene - 28 Days Later

The classification of this film is an 18 due to the amount of aggressive language, strong violence and threat. This opening scene is a lot different to the other opening scenes I have studied as I fell like this one is straight in with the action and you can clearly tell what have caused the apocalypse where as in the road and the book of Eli it only hints at what has happened. its starts of with a group of 3 people two men and a woman breaking into a laboratory full of chimps and have a plan to let them all free as they don't agree with them being captured. a scientist then finds them as says that the chimps are dangerous and angry  and will harm them if they set the free. the group decide that the scientist is lying and is just saying that so they leave but the woman takes charge which is weird compared to other films where the woman is the follower. the monkey then attacks the woman as she sets him free which is again showing that the women are weak and make stupid mistakes when they take charge. the lighting is very dark at this stage and also has flashing red lights which suggests danger and fear for the characters. it also makes it more intense for us as viewers and we don't know what will happen. other things that make the audience feel tense and scared is when the chimps suddenly become loud and rattle loudly which makes us feel uncomfortable as well. The scene then changes completely to a white hospital bed which is different to the scene before which was very dark and dangerous to now being very peaceful and quite. the man looks very dazed and confused and he is not aware of what has happed to him. the hospital is empty and deserted which makes you wonder what has happened to everyone also it is very messy and things are all over the floor which again suggests what has happened to make everyone drop what they were doing to leave.

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