Sunday 25 September 2016

Narrative Theorys

Roland Barthes' theory
Barthes theory believed that all films involved two codes; Action and Enigma codes which  formed his theory. An Enigma code is where the audience are made to ask questions about the scene and then these questions are then revealed later on in the film. The also lets the audience predict what could happen next and will keep them thinking until it is revealed. the action code then follows the enigma code to follow on with the narrative. An Action code  is used to move the narrative along and answer the questions that were asked by the audience earlier on.

Rick Altman's theory
Rick Altman's  narrative  theory says that there is three pleasures that you get whilst watching films these are; Emotional pleasure, Visceral pleasure and Intellectual pleasure. Emotional pleasure is when the director tries to generate a strong audience repose for example laughing or crying. This can be show in many genres especially in romances or comedy's. The second pleasure which is Visceral pleasure is when the director tries to get a gut response from the viewer for example feeling sick, feeling of revulsion or nerves during a tense scene. This is also used in many genres but most commonly found in horror or action films. The third is an Intellectual pleasure which is when the director makes the audience figure out a puzzle or a mystery which gives them pleasure. For example when watching Crime Scene shows like CSI the audience will want to figure out the mystery alongside the character in the show.

Levi-Strauss Theory 
Levi-Strauss introduced the notion of binary oppositions as a way to consider the production of meaning with narratives. He said that all construction of meaning was dependant, to some degree on these oppositions, for example good vs. evil, male vs. female, etc

Nicholas Abercrombie theory
Nicholas Abercrombie said that the boundaries between genres are shifting and becoming more permeable. Meaning that the basic genres such as thriller, romance and comedy are shifting and merging together creating sub genres such as rom-com which is a romantic comedy.

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