I would say that the filming went very well today and it was a lot more organised than the preliminary task. This is because we used the storyboard that we created and followed it accurately throughout the day so we were on track and we wouldn't miss out any shots or scenes. We also filmed some scenes a few times with different angles and shots so we could make the most of the day and save us from filming another day to get the right shots and also because some of the group thought different shots would work better. The filming was a lot more successful this time as we used an older cast which meant that we could move along more quickly and professionally as it was quite hard keeping the children interested as well as getting the scenes finished last time. Last time we were also not as well equipped with things such as the right props and a tripod to keep the camera stable. We can already see that the planning before hand and also creating the storyboard in more detail has made the opening scene a lot more successful than the previous task. We did change some of the props on the scene as we used an apple instead of berries as it looked a lot better alongside the rest of the mise en scene. Another thing that was different about the filming of this task is that everyone got to have ago at different things for example filming, acting and also setting up the scene with the props and mise en scene. This was good as we all got the learn new skills and to also improve at the other things we had already done before. Some things that were a problem throughout the filming was trying to get the right shots and how to position the subjects. For example we were aiming to create a shot through the binoculars of the killer to show there point of view. This probably took us the longest amount of time as we tried multiple way to see which would look best. In the end we decided that I would look a lot better editing the binoculars onto the film post editing using the superimpose/visual effects technique as we thought this would look better and make it more clear to the audience what the killer was doing.

After filming the first scene was moved along to the second location which was the characters house to shoot the film on film scene. this part of the filming went very well as the location used was one of the actors so it was a lot more personal and relatable for the character. This also meant that the mise en scene related to the characters as we created the character profiles around their personality. There was also lots of family around to film as well in the background to show that they are a close knit family. We also filmed on this day as the Christmas decorations was still up which gave a sense of time when the apocalypse had occurred as this would be there last memory together with the family.
Today during todays filming we also filmed more recent location shots as the ones previously used were old images. We also took the character profile shots once they were in their costumes and had their makeup on to show what they looked like close up and we also included some long shots of both the characters to show what the completed costumes looked like.
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